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Aerification on South and West Courses. Course and Practice areas closed

Golf Course Maintenance

Aerification is a very necessary but highly unpopular part of golf maintenance. While in the short-term it does lead to bumpy greens and playing conditions that are less than ideal, in the long-term it is essential for turf health. The aerification process reduces soil compaction, removes organic matter, and opens holes in the turf. These holes allow for air exchange and water infiltration into the turf’s root zone which leads to deeper, healthier roots. These roots allow the turf to withstand stresses and maintain full coverage throughout the year.

The closure period also allows for the golf maintenance department to vertical mow the turf. This reduces thatch and grain in the turf canopy. In addition to the reduction in grain, it also promotes lateral growth. Following the aerification and vertical mowing, sand is applied to the turf to smooth out surface imperfections and create firmer playing conditions. After the sand is adequately incorporated into the turf canopy fertilizers and soil amendments are applied to encourage turf recovering and long- term health.

In addition to the aerification process, the closure time gives us time to perform many of the necessary maintenance tasks that are very difficult or disruptive to accomplish when players are present. It also provides the opportunity to perform some of the small projects throughout the course. We plan to have the temporary cart path on the right side of 4 West sodded prior to re-opening and do some small landscaping projects.

We look forward to a very busy week and hope for good weather! We know that the process is not popular, but it is very necessary. We will do everything we can to encourage the recovery of the turf and the return of high quality playing conditions.